Here at St Hedda’s, we place Christ at the centre of all we do and therefore Collective worship is crucial in developing a way for children to develop a relationship with Christ and come to know him better.
Collective Worship and Assembly Timetable
Monday: Whole School Collective Worship
Wednesday: Key Stage Collective Worship
Friday: Key Stage 1 and 2 Celebration Assemblies
Daily Collective Worship is also held in the classrooms
Termly: Whole school celebration and award assemblies – Awards are made to star writers, readers and mathematicians.
Whole School Collective Worship
Monday assembly is planned and led by a class of children. The theme is closely linked with the liturgical year.
Key Stage Worship
Our teachers all lead Collective Worship in their Key Stages on a Wednesday morning.
Class Worship
Teachers in school seek to empower children by leading and modelling good practice. They also give them the opportunity to participate, take ownership of their learning and develop their own relationship with God. Children across the school are given opportunities to plan and lead assemblies in their classroom and take great pride in their ‘Talking to God’ books.