We are extremely proud to be part of St Hedda’s Catholic Primary School, a Catholic Voluntary Academy, working alongside a hard-working, dedicated and committed staff, governing body and community. Each day, we endeavour to build on the many successes of our school and look forward to leading St Hedda’s into a new and exciting era.
As a Catholic school our vision is to provide each and every child with a Catholic education whereby they each develop a unique understanding with Jesus. St Hedda’s is a school which is nurturing, caring and friendly. The Gospel values are at its core. The Catholic ethos is palpable throughout the school as Christ is at the centre of everything we do. That is why our mission statement is woven into every aspect of school life:
“Let your light shine.”
We work hard using our God given talents for the good of other people and to achieve our best. In our school community, we show respect to every person. Together with our families, our parish and our local community we strive to create a safe, happy school and become confident, caring citizens.
We are deeply committed to promoting the strong relationship between home, school and the Parishes within the Esk Valley and Whitby, as we feel that this partnership is the key to producing the best possible Catholic education for your child, within and beyond the classroom.
At St Hedda’s every child is precious and it is a privilege to be entrusted with your child’s education. We know that each child is unique and special and therefore we ensure that our curriculum meets the needs of all our children and is carefully matched to their differing abilities.
We have high expectations of all our pupils both academically and in terms of behaviour. Our aim is to inspire and motivate our children to unlock their full potential and be the very best they can be.
The staff work hard to provide a stimulating environment and to enable the children to fulfil their potential. We recognise that as parents you are your child’s first educators and we encourage you to share in the life of the school, to help to provide a happy, caring atmosphere in which the children will feel secure and nurtured.
We really do hope you enjoy using our website as a celebration of all our wonderful things your children do each day. This is only made possible by our enthusiastic, dedicated, hardworking team of staff and the support from you as parents and carers.
Choosing the right school for your child is an extremely difficult decision, so we warmly welcome you and your child to visit our school and see us at work, at play and in prayer.
If you require a paper copy of any information from the school website, please can you contact the school office and this will be provided free of charge.
Mrs K Sill ( Executive Headteacher) & Mrs A Bartoli ( Trust Associate Leader)