At St Hedda’s we believe that every child is unique, gifted and special and it is our role to support and inspire them. We aim to meet the needs of everyone within a unique, caring family atmosphere. We are committed to the provision of an inclusive curriculum which sets suitable challenges, responds to the diverse needs of our children and overcomes potential barriers to learning.

Please click here to view our SEND information report and Accessibility plan as well as our SEND policy located in the polices section.

Contact details

SENDCo – Mrs A Bartoli

Email – [email protected]

Telephone – 01947 895361


In St. Hedda’s  Primary School, every teacher is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND. All children in school have access to quality first teaching. We aim to identify any specific needs as soon as possible.  This may be identified due to factors such as changes in behaviour, limited progress or concerns raised by pupils, parents or carers, Doctors, Health Care Workers or Social Workers. All relevant adults and professionals are involved in the identification of needs and the planning involved in addressing needs. Where appropriate, children are also encouraged to participate in all the decision-making processes and contribute to the assessment of their need, review and any transition process.

If you feel your child may have Special Educational Needs, speak to the class teacher or SENDCO regarding your concerns.


Parental Involvement in the planning process

We operate an ‘open door’ policy for all parents if they should have any concerns about their children and they are able to see their class teacher and members of the Senior Leadership Team upon request. Parents are fully involved in any decision making process and meet regularly with class teachers and the school SENDCO to discuss the provision their child is accessing or needs to access

How we will support your child in school

All staff at St. Hedda’s are responsible for the teaching and monitoring of children with SEN. The classroom teacher will take the main responsibility for the daily provision for your child, offering high quality teaching with challenging and attainable targets. The teacher will be supported and advised by the school SENDCO where necessary. The teacher will discuss with you any additional support that they think is needed in order to help your child progress with their learning. If necessary, they will then write a ‘SEN Support Plan’ with clear, achievable targets for your child, which will be developed in partnership with you and your child. There may be times when advice is needed from an outside specialist service such as the Speech and Language Therapist Team or an Educational Psychologist, then the class teacher or the SENDCO will discuss this with you and seek your permission to proceed. They will then keep you informed and invite you to any scheduled meetings where we will share a discussion around the outcomes of the assessment and listen to your views and opinions.

Provision, Resources and Services

Lessons are ambitious for all learners, including those with SEND and through a responsive teaching model, learning is carefully planned. The school has access to a wide range of professionals and outside agencies that we can contact for further support and advice. If we feel that outside agency input would benefit your child then we will have a meeting in school to discuss this with you.

We have access to:

  • Speech and language therapists
  • Educational Psychologists
  • Parent Support Advisers
  • Enhanced Mainstream schools for specific learning difficulties, communication and interaction and SEMH
  • Specialist teachers for hearing and visually impaired children
  • Social care
  • Looked after children/ Post Adoption workers

Access and inclusion

We are a small, inclusive school and every child is able to access the curriculum at their level.

All children follow the Life to the Full plus  PSHE/ RSE curriculum. The school has previously been involved in an Academic Resilience project and The Nurture Programme including Boxall profile training. Children have weekly access to Relax Kids sessions and ELSA intervention from our trained well-being practitioner, who also supports emotional interventions across school. We benefit from and access staff expertise in Thrive and Ten Ten PSHE teaching.

Staff training

Staff have attended a wide range of CPD to ensure they have the expertise to meet the needs of all of our children. Any staff who feel they need more training in a specific area have the opportunity to attend relevant training sessions. Staff CPD is updated regularly with access to new training provided where a need is identified.

The Provision


NYCC Local Offer to children with SEN


The local offer provides useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It is here to help families, individuals, groups and organisations find information so you have more choice and control over what support is right

The local offer covers services available within:

  • education;
  • health and social care; and
  • support and services in the voluntary and private sector across North Yorkshire.

The local offer is now on-line and can be accessed via the following link:

Local offer Contact

Local Offer
Children and Young People’s Service
North Yorkshire County Council
County Hall

Email: [email protected]

Inclusive education service

Email: [email protected]

Further information


The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information, Advice and Support Service, North Yorkshire (SENDIASS North Yorkshire) works with parents, carers children or young people that live within the county. A Parent Partnership Co-ordinator can be contacted through North Yorkshire on tel:01609 536923 or [email protected]

SEND Code of Practice:

Additional Websites